Justin Johnson AKA Straight Drop was named by the US marshalls as the alleged killer of the memphis rapper Young Dolph.


A few days after a $15,000 bounty was placed on him, he posted a video on his Instagram handle. The content of this video was an interview with a criminal court judge from Shelby County, TN, stating how cooperative he was with the law enforcement agents at a previous case.

The rapper announced his innocence in the murder of young dolph and advices bloggers and other news agencies to report what he considers the truth.

He also promised to turn himself in on Monday 10th January 2021. Many individuals were actually surprised as he used the opportunity and anticipation created around the whole circumstance to drop a new video titled "Track Hawk".

Such a rare occurrence for a rapper on the run to be active on social media and even dropped a new single. 

It is widely believed that he trolled the public into believing that he will turn himself in, but used that as an opportunity to drop a new track, hoping to gain some clout.

It's no surprise that the lyrics of his song suggests his violence and to many people, this song has more meaning than just any normal one.

Here are some harsh comments he received in the comments section of his youtube video.